Sunday, April 7, 2013

AE #4 Michael Moore


                                                                                                I was somewhat familiar with Michael Moore before I saw his movie

Capitalism:A Love Story,but after watching it, I had the thought in my head "Wow, he is an idiot". Wanting to be as fair as possible, I then looked up the definition of "idiot".




                                                                   Idiot | Define Idiot at

                                                                  noun 1. Informal. an utterly foolish or senseless person.

My opinion was reinforced. Michael Moore is an idiot. In this movie he tries to persuade 
the viewers that capitalism is a corrupt system. He rattles off some half truths and shows some people who are having financial difficulty. Michael Moore has no credibility. He doesn't even attempt to show credibility. He thinks he knows what caused the recent financial meltdown, "The Great Recession" as it has become known? He doesn't know. If you want to know what happened, read what people more knowledgeable than yourself have to say.

Steve Sanghi is CEO and president of Microchip Technology Inc. I read a blog of his where he detailed why the financial meltdown happened. There is plenty of blame to go around but his assessment  looks nothing like Michael Moore's. If you want to know what happened, you should read this article that I have posted a link to. It's a similar rundown to Steve's article. And you can find many others with the same outlook. My point is, if someone wants to know what happened, the information is there. And from smart,successfull, and credible people.Not from people like Michael Moore who have no relevant education or business experience.  

Steve Sanghi:smarter than Michael Moore

Then Michael Moore goes on to say that the founding fathers of this country did not intend for capitalism and free enterprise to be the system that powered our economy.He asserts that communism would take better care of this country than capitalism. Wow again! How do you confront sheer stupidity? Where has communism ever been successful? No where, that's where! The most powerful representation, the Soviet Union collapsed after about 75 years. Collapsed after losing the Cold War to the United States. 
Ask anyone who has lived under a communist or socialist government what life is like.  

I wonder if even Michael Moore believes what he is saying. Capitalism is terrible but he's getting wealthy from it. Sounds like a hypocrite to me ....or an idiot.

Michael Moore:meets the dictionary definition of "idiot"

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